Thursday, February 26, 2009

LL Future

Evidently Perl 6 and Ruby are lightweight languages!

Whatever. Sounds like this conference was really interesting. One comment by Larry Wall surprised me:
“We learn natural languages by repeating what other people say. We learn programming languages by copying what other people do, and eventually, we discover the meaning”
Reminds me of Kent Beck: "Monkey see, monkey do."
And Richard Gabriel's essay: Designed As Designer.

Open Source Postcards from Japan: ”Lightweight Language Future”: Japan’s Largest Dynamic Language Conference Held in Tokyo: "”Lightweight Language Future”: Japan’s Largest Dynamic Language Conference Held in Tokyo
On August 30th, approximately 1000 “Lightweight Language” enthusiasts gathered in Nakano, Tokyo, for the sixth annual Conference named “Lightweight Language Future” that was held by LL Future Organization (Japanese)."

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

The Mitsos Reverse Launch

Breakthrough in paragliding...

The Mitsos Reverse Launch: "The main advantages of the technique are:

* Better overall control of the glider.
* You can steer the glider as it comes up.
* You can stop it overshooting in strong winds.
* No need to release the brakes at all."

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Google Reader (162)

Looks like just the thing for TV and Mt. Tam trails!

Google Reader (162): "Lupine Bike & Adventure Lights
from Cool Tools

In the winter I mountain bike one to two nights a week after dark on fast technical single track trails. I have built my own lights and purchased commercially-available lighting systems upwards of $400. I have tried halogen, HID, and LED lighting systems. Until now they were all a compromise. I am now using the Lupine Tesla 700 LED light, and I have to say it makes everything I have used up to this point seem like a silly toy. Weighing a mere 102g, this light outshines my brightest HID system, is more efficient than my smallest halogen, and has the best construction, controls, and mounting system I have seen in a light."