Tuesday, July 31, 2007

expresso, take 4

I've been informed by sources known to have been reliable on one or more occasions that this device makes great coffee. There is even a review in Single Serve Coffee to back this assertion up.
'Espresso', properly understood, is not a technique, but a mission statement. It only means some technique whose goal is a cup of coffee brewed expressly for one person's cup. Assuming it works, the Aerobie is generation four of espresso machines -- the pre-war flip device, the stove top steam device, the $500 (low end) machines most often called 'espresso' machines, and now the Aerobie. I have yet to prove that their coffee machines work as well as their flying machines, but at $30 or so its worth the chance.

1 comment:

ashley said...

i believe the number is 4. Four reliable occasions. We'll see if this bumps up the count to 5.